FINDING YEEZUS is a six-part investigative comedy web-series starring comedians and pop-culture detectives Cameron James and Alexei Toliopoulos. The pair embark on an action-packed investigation to find out who made ‘Kanye Quest 3030’ – an infamous RPG game that went viral in 2013 after a hidden level was uncovered with potential links to the cult ‘ascensionism’.
Production Company: Grouse House/Haven’t You Done Well
Role: Associate Producer
Vodka Cruiser “Say Less” Campaign: Party Chat
Agency: TBWA
Prod co: Wildebeest
Director: Amber Mealing
Producer: May Tusler
DOP: Amy Dellar
Production Design: Phebe Schmidt
Vodka Cruiser “Say Less” Campaign: Aux
Agency: TBWA
Prod co: Wildebeest
Director: Amber Mealing
Producer: May Tusler
DOP: Amy Dellar
Production Design: Phebe Schmidt
Vodka Cruiser “Say Less” Campaign: Pool Party
Agency: TBWA
Prod co: Wildebeest
Director: Amber Mealing
Producer: May Tusler
DOP: Amy Dellar
Production Design: Phebe Schmidt
Vodka Cruiser “Say Less” Campaign: Big Guava Energy
Agency: TBWA
Prod co: Wildebeest
Director: Amber Mealing
Producer: May Tusler
DOP: Amy Dellar
Production Design: Phebe Schmidt
Courtney Barnett - From Where I'm Standing: Live from the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne
Producer: May Tusler
Director: Derry Sheehan
Jungle Giants - In Her Eyes
Producer: May Tusler
Director: Julian Lucas
Cool Ridge: Bad Lunch, Good Bottle
Producer: May Tusler
Agency: TBWA
DOP: Joey Knox
Cool Ridge: Bad Gym, Good Bottle
Producer: May Tusler
Agency: TBWA
DOP: Joey Knox
Alice Ivy - “Don’t Sleep” feat Imbi & Boi
Director/Producer: May Tusler
DOP: Joey Knox
Alice Ivy - “Better Man” (feat. Benjamin Joseph)
Director/Producer: May Tusler
DOP: Joey Knox
Vice New Zealand - The Coffin Club
Director/Producer: May Tusler
DOP: Hamish Pattison
Vice New Zealand - Natural Burials
Director/Producer: May Tusler
DOP: Hamish Pattison
Vice Australia: Support Act - Adam Briggs
Director/Producer: May Tusler
Vice Australia: Support Act - Joel Birch
Director/Producer: May Tusler
Vice Australia: Gab Cole
Director/Producer: May Tusler
Vice Australia: Samsung Galaxy “All Nighters”
Director/Producer: May Tusler
DOP: Joey Knox
Vice Australia: TAC “Is your phone a phantom limb”
Director: May Tusler
Producer: Gen O’Shea
DOP: Hamish Pattison
Vice Australia: TAC “How phones are messing with our bodies”